Baru Bisnis & kantor software Untuk Windows NT
KevPT dirancang terutama untuk Bantuan Meja untuk mengatur dan melacak masalah yang berbeda yang mereka terima, meskipun setiap organisasi yang membutuhkan untuk melacak masalah dan permintaan dapat menggunakan KevPT. Fitur termasuk pelacakan aset,...
LightningForm adalah 'Wisaya' alat yang meminta Anda untuk memasukkan informasi yang diperlukan untuk mengisi formulir IRS 1040. Anda dapat menyimpan pekerjaan Anda setiap saat dan kembali lagi nanti dengan mengklik 'Simpan' tombol. Anda...
Dari pengembang: "Rosim Sistem SimKit adalah Discrete acara Simulator digunakan untuk mengoptimalkan desain dan operasi dari berbagai sistem dalam industri dan perdagangan. Misalnya, jalur produksi dan call center Dasar simulasi menggunakan SimKit adalah...
ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus is a free web based, easy to use help desk software with integrated Project Management and Asset Management software.It has an ITIL ready version with incident, problem, change, CMDB and service catalog included.
Kairo sederhana 10.1 tersedia sebagai download gratis di perpustakaan perangkat lunak kami. Kairo Sederhana kebohongan dalam Alat Bisnis, lebih tepatnya Umum. Program gratis ini merupakan kekayaan intelektual dari Millennium Consulting. File setup terbaru...
The Excel Investment and Business Valuation template is ideal for evaluating a wide range of investment, financial analysis and business plan scenarios. Business valuation is based on the traditional discounted cash flow method but also evaluates economic...
The Excel invoice template is a complete customer invoicing system with the ability to store invoices, products and customers as well as monitor inventory levels and perform advanced invoice sales reporting. The architecture of the Excel invoice template...
The Multiple Regression Analysis and Forecasting template enables the confident identification of value drivers and forecasting business plan or scientific data. The multiple regression process utilizes commonly employed statistical measures to test the...
The Portfolio Optimization template identifies the optimal capital weightings for a portfolio of financial investments that gives the highest return for the lowest risk based on the return risk profile and correlation between individual investments. The...
The Excel Portfolio Performance Monitoring template enables the ongoing monitoring and periodic valuation of a portfolio of financial investments. The model enables the entering of investment transactions during a reporting period to calculate...