Puncak Perangkat lunak Untuk Ryder
Comma Diperbarui
Program menambahkan koma hilang berdasarkan aturan tata bahasa sebelum: konjungsi korelatif koordinasi konjungsi subordinatif konjungsi sebelum seru sebelum kutipan antara bagian yang sama dari pidato: kata benda, kata sifat, angka sebelum Program...
database SQL untuk kode SSCC dan GS1. Dukungan keyboard wedge scanner. Biru-gigi com port dari perangkat mobile android. Umumnya com pelabuhan (port serial). Berdasarkan database SQLCE. Semua komponen termasuk SQL perpustakaan secara otomatis mengunduh...
Program for receive a send through com ports. Data are analyzed for carriage return and tab. Program can ignoring user defined data or can split data with user defined character. Data are split into user defined columns and stored. data can be automatic...
Login access only user with password. Three rules for user write, delete, save. Completely replaced paper-based form. Records can be printed neatly through the report even to an Excel table.(excel 2007 and higher) for each device can be assigned to image....