Formidable membaca data formulir diserahkan dan proses sesuai dengan aturan yang telah ditetapkan.Dibuat khusus untuk menangani upload file, sangat cocok untuk menulis upload file ke disk, memanipulasi nama file, dll .. Fitur : < li> pelaksanaan...

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node-mysql 2.9.0 Diperbarui

Because Node.js is an extremely fast platform, most of the times developers can't work with slower relative databases like MySQL opting for something much faster like newer and more productive NoSQL databases. But there are times when developers just...

CouchDB is a document-oriented database developed at the Apache Software Foudantion, written in Erlang. This module allows Node.js applications to store and retrieve information stored in Apache CouchDB databases.Features:Connect to a CouchDB server Get a...

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