Gratis Perangkat lunak Untuk Apache Software Foundation
OAuth is an open protocol that allows users to share their private resources (e.g. photos, videos, contact lists) stored on one site with another site without having to hand out their username and password.
Apache Oltu simply ports various features of...
Apache Woden ditulis untuk bekerja dengan resmi W3C WSDL 2.0 spesifikasi. WSDL adalah bahasa markup berbasis XML yang menyediakan cara untuk menggambarkan dan berinteraksi dengan jaringan dan layanan Web dan titik akhir mereka. Woden menyediakan API...
Apache Kafka is similar to Facebook's Scribe engine (if you're familiar to it) and can be used to handle activity streams.
It works by allowing developers to maintain one or more activity streams (or feeds).
These feeds can be organized in...
A pipeline is a concatenation of operations to perform a specific job, arranged so that the output of each element is the input of the next.Apache Crunch provides an easier method of dealing with Apache Hadoop MapReduce pipelines.Crunch simplifies this...
Apache Gora aims at providing a common ground on which developers can create tools that can handle large quantities of information, regardless of their underlying storage unit.
Gora is written in Java and was created as an alternative to other Java ORMs...
Apache Syncope was designed and implemented for enterprise environments (JEE).
It can be used to manage user data on systems and applications.
This technique is also known as IdM (Identity Management) and it tracks attributes, roles, resources and titles,...
Bor Apache diciptakan untuk memungkinkan pengembang untuk query hingga 10.000 server dan menangani petabyte data permintaan dalam hitungan detik. Bor adalah respon Apache untuk paket Dremel Google, menyediakan solusi open source untuk menjalankan besar...