Baru Driver Untuk Windows NT
This compressed, self-extracting file will update a Zappa motherboard to the 1.00.11.BS0T level. Do not use this on a motherboard whose system BIOS ends with any other code than .BS0T. When the file has been uncompressed, simply copy to a bootable floppy...
Klik pada link berikut untuk info sopir paket readme:... / BANTUAN / readme.txtPaket ini mendukung model sopir berikut: 3Com (3C562D-3C563D) EL III LAN + 336 Modem PC Card
3Com (3C562) EtherLink III LAN + 288 Modem PC Card
3Com (3C562B-3C563B)...
Click on the following links for the driver package readme info:.../extract/Readme.txt This package supports the following driver models:Voice Modem Serial Wave Device
Magic MP32 3D Audio System CODEC R3.3-D7
Magic MP32...
Click on the following links for the driver package readme info:.../HELP/Readme.txt This package supports the following driver models:3Com (3C562D-3C563D) EL III LAN+336 Modem PC Card
3Com (3C562) EtherLink III LAN+288 Modem PC Card
3Com (3C562B-3C563B)...
Click on the following links for the driver package readme info:.../extract/Readme.txt This package supports the following driver models:Avance Logic 2201
Avance Logic 2228/2229 VLB
Avance Logic 2301 PCI
Requirements:Windows NT 4 SP 6Windows 2003 SP...
Paket ini mendukung model sopir berikut: MKEPanasonic CD-ROM Pengendali
Symbios Logic C810 PCI SCSI host Adapter
Symbios Logic C820 PCI SCSI host Adapter
Symbios Logic C825 PCI SCSI host Adapter
Symbios Logic C815 PCI SCSI host Adapter
Paket ini mendukung model sopir berikut: Voice Modem Gelombang Perangkat
F34 33.6K DATA + FAX + VOICE Modem
Persyaratan : Windows NT 4 SP 6 Windows 2003 SP 1 Windows XP AMD 64-bit Windows XP 64-bit SP 1 Windows NT 4 SP 2 Windows 2000...
Paket ini mendukung model sopir berikut: Epson Stylus 800 Z -
Epson Stylus COLOR Z -
Epson Stylus COLOR 200 Z -
Epson Stylus COLOR 500 Z -
Epson Stylus 1500 Z -
Epson Stylus COLOR II Z -
Epson Stylus COLOR IIs Z -
Epson Stylus PRO Z -
Paket ini mendukung model sopir berikut: EPSON EPL-N2000
Persyaratan : Windows NT 4 SP 6 Windows 2003 SP 1 Windows XP AMD 64-bit Windows XP 64-bit SP 1 Windows NT 4 SP 2 Windows 2000 SP 1 Windows...
Paket ini mendukung model sopir berikut: S3 Inc. Trio64V +
S3 Inc Trio64V2
Persyaratan : Windows NT 4 SP 6 Windows 2003 SP 1 Windows XP AMD 64-bit Windows XP 64-bit SP 1 Windows NT 4 SP 2 Windows 2000 SP 1 Windows 2003 64-bit ...