
Callnote 3.2.3 Diperbarui

Callnote Premium is a Free application that allows to record Skype, Google+ Hangouts, Viber, Facebook Audio and Video Calls. You can also make instant video snapshots along the way. You can whether record the entire call or start/stop whenever you need....



Talkey Gratis adalah aplikasi untuk enkripsi yang aman komunikasi e-mail dan data. Program ini bekerja sebagai Add-in e-mail klien - MS Outlook dan Thunderbird. Mengenkripsi dan melindungi komunikasi Anda dan data Anda terhadap persaingan, rekan, layanan...

Face Rig

Face Rig 1.3

FaceRig is a program that aims to enable anyone with a webcam to digitally embody awesome characters. The output can be recorded as a movie or streamed to Skype, Twitch, Hangouts or any service that traditionally uses a webcam in real...