Software screenshot:
Rincian Software:
Versi: 4.2.7 Diperbarui
Tanggal Upload: 10 Dec 15
Pengembang: Moxiecode Systems
Lisensi: Gratis
Popularitas: 823

Rating: 3.8/5 (Total Votes: 5)

TinyMCE works by replacing normal textareas with a special editing area, with a formatting toolbar on top, which users can utilize and format their entered text.

Besides this classic way of editing the text using a UI toolbar, inline editing is also supported, allowing the user to click and select any part of the text he wants, and the same formatting toolbar will appear at the top of the selection, instead of the textarea.

TinyMCE works like any other standalone JS library, even supporting a lazy loading function, which displays the editor only when the textarea is in the viewport, or the user clicks inside the textarea.

A specific package for usage with jQuery is also included.

And if TinyMCE looks familiar to you, than that's because it has been used together with many other Web-based technologies, the most famous of them all being WordPress.

What is new in this release:

  • Added new flat default skin to make the UI more modern.
  • Added new imagetools plugin, lets you crop/resize and apply filters to images.
  • Added new contextual toolbars support to the API lets you add floating toolbars for specific CSS selectors.
  • Added new promise feature fill as tinymce.util.Promise.
  • Added new built in image upload feature lets you upload any base64 encoded image within the editor as files.
  • Fixed bug where resize handles would appear in the right position in the wrong editor when switching between resizable content in different inline editors.
  • Fixed bug where tables would not be inserted in inline mode due to previous float panel fix.
  • Fixed bug where floating panels would remain open when focus was lost on inline editors.
  • Fixed bug where cut command on Chrome would thrown a browser security exception.
  • Fixed bug where IE 11 sometimes would report an incorrect size for images in the image dialog.
  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to remove inline formatting at the end of block elements.
  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to delete table cell contents when cell selection was vertical.
  • Fixed bug where table cell wasn't emptied from block elements if delete/backspace where pressed in empty cell.
  • Fixed bug where cmd+shift+arrow didn't work correctly on Firefox mac when selecting to start/end of line.
  • Fixed bug where removal of bogus elements would sometimes remove whitespace between nodes.
  • Fixed bug where the resize handles wasn't updated when the main window was resized.
  • Fixed so script elements gets removed by default to prevent possible XSS issues in default config implementations.
  • Fixed so the UI doesn't need manual reflows when using non native layout managers.
  • Fixed so base64 encoded images doesn't slow down the editor on modern browsers while editing.
  • Fixed so all UI elements uses touch events to improve mobile device support.
  • Removed the touch click quirks patch for iOS since it did more harm than good.
  • Removed the non proportional resize handles since. Unproportional resize can still be done by holding the shift key.

What is new in version 4.2.0:

  • Added new flat default skin to make the UI more modern.
  • Added new imagetools plugin, lets you crop/resize and apply filters to images.
  • Added new contextual toolbars support to the API lets you add floating toolbars for specific CSS selectors.
  • Added new promise feature fill as tinymce.util.Promise.
  • Added new built in image upload feature lets you upload any base64 encoded image within the editor as files.
  • Fixed bug where resize handles would appear in the right position in the wrong editor when switching between resizable content in different inline editors.
  • Fixed bug where tables would not be inserted in inline mode due to previous float panel fix.
  • Fixed bug where floating panels would remain open when focus was lost on inline editors.
  • Fixed bug where cut command on Chrome would thrown a browser security exception.
  • Fixed bug where IE 11 sometimes would report an incorrect size for images in the image dialog.
  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to remove inline formatting at the end of block elements.
  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to delete table cell contents when cell selection was vertical.
  • Fixed bug where table cell wasn't emptied from block elements if delete/backspace where pressed in empty cell.
  • Fixed bug where cmd+shift+arrow didn't work correctly on Firefox mac when selecting to start/end of line.
  • Fixed bug where removal of bogus elements would sometimes remove whitespace between nodes.
  • Fixed bug where the resize handles wasn't updated when the main window was resized.
  • Fixed so script elements gets removed by default to prevent possible XSS issues in default config implementations.
  • Fixed so the UI doesn't need manual reflows when using non native layout managers.
  • Fixed so base64 encoded images doesn't slow down the editor on modern browsers while editing.
  • Fixed so all UI elements uses touch events to improve mobile device support.
  • Removed the touch click quirks patch for iOS since it did more harm than good.
  • Removed the non proportional resize handles since. Unproportional resize can still be done by holding the shift key.

What is new in version 4.1.8:

  • Added HTML5 schema support for srcset, source and picture. Patch contributed by mattheu.
  • Added new cache_suffix setting to enable cache busting by producing unique urls.
  • Added new paste_convert_word_fake_lists option to enable users to disable the fake lists convert logic.
  • Fixed so advlist style changes adds undo levels for each change.
  • Fixed bug where WebKit would sometimes produce an exception when the autolink plugin where looking for URLs.
  • Fixed bug where IE 7 wouldn't be rendered properly due to to aggressive css compression.
  • Fixed bug where DomQuery wouldn't accept window as constructor element.
  • Fixed bug where the color picker in 3.x dialogs wouldn't work properly. Patch contributed by Callidior.
  • Fixed bug where the image plugin wouldn't respect the document_base_url.

What is new in version 4.1.6:

  • Fixed bug with clicking on the scrollbar of the iframe would cause a JS error to be thrown.
  • Fixed bug where null would produce an exception if you passed it to selection.setRng.
  • Fixed bug where Ctrl/Cmd+Tab would indent the current list item if you switched tabs in the browser.
  • Fixed bug where pasting empty cells from Excel would result in a broken table.
  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to switch back to default list style type.
  • Fixed issue where the select all quirk fix would fire for other modifiers than Ctrl/Cmd combinations.

What is new in version 4.1.5:

  • Fixed bug where sometimes the resize rectangles wouldn't properly render on images on WebKit/Blink.
  • Fixed bug in list plugin where delete/backspace would merge empty LI elements in lists incorrectly.
  • Fixed bug where empty list elements would result in empty LI elements without it's parent container.
  • Fixed bug where backspace in empty caret formated element could produce an type error exception of Gecko.
  • Fixed bug where lists pasted from word with a custom start index above 9 wouldn't be properly handled.
  • Fixed bug where tabfocus plugin would tab out of the editor instance even if the default action was prevented.
  • Fixed bug where tabfocus wouldn't tab properly to other adjacent editor instances.
  • Fixed bug where the DOMUtils setStyles wouldn't properly removed or update the data-mce-style attribute.
  • Fixed bug where dialog select boxes would be placed incorrectly if document.body wasn't statically positioned.
  • Fixed bug where pasting would sometimes scroll to the top of page if the user was using the autoresize plugin.
  • Fixed bug where caret wouldn't be properly rendered by Chrome when clicking on the iframes documentElement.
  • Fixed so custom images for menubutton/splitbutton can be provided. Patch contributed by Naim Hammadi.
  • Fixed so the default action of windows closing can be prevented by blocking the default action of the close event.

What is new in version 4.1.3:

  • Added event binding logic to tinymce.util.XHR making it possible to override headers and settings before any request is made.
  • Fixed bug where drag events wasn't fireing properly on older IE versions since the event handlers where bound to document.
  • Fixed bug where drag/dropping contents within the editor on IE would force the contents into plain text mode even if it was internal content.
  • Fixed bug where IE 7 wouldn't open menus properly due to a resize bug in the browser auto closing them immediately.
  • Fixed bug where the DOMUtils getPos logic wouldn't produce a valid coordinate inside the body if the body was positioned non static.
  • Fixed bug where the element path and format state wasn't properly updated if you had the wordcount plugin enabled.
  • Fixed bug where a comment at the beginning of source would produce an exception in the formatter logic.
  • Fixed bug where setAttrib/getAttrib on null would throw exception together with any hooked attributes like style.
  • Fixed bug where table sizes wasn't properly retained when copy/pasting on WebKit/Blink.
  • Fixed bug where WebKit/Blink would produce colors in RGB format instead of the forced HEX format when deleting contents.
  • Fixed bug where the width attribute wasn't updated on tables if you changed the size inside the table dialog.
  • Fixed bug where control selection wasn't properly handled when the caret was placed directly after an image.
  • Fixed bug where selecting the contents of table cells using the selection.select method wouldn't place the caret properly.
  • Fixed bug where the selection state for images wasn't removed when placing the caret right after an image on WebKit/Blink.
  • Fixed bug where all events wasn't properly unbound when and editor instance was removed or destroyed by some external innerHTML call.
  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible or very hard to select images on iOS when the onscreen keyboard was visible.
  • Fixed so auto_focus can take a boolean argument this will auto focus the last initialized editor might be useful for single inits.
  • Fixed so word auto detect lists logic works better for faked lists that doesn't have specific markup.
  • Fixed so nodeChange gets fired on mouseup as it used to before 4.1.1 we optimized that event to fire less often.

What is new in version 4.1.0:

  • Resize helper
  • Color picker
  • Advanced table dialog tab
  • Text pattern plugin

What is new in version 4.0.27:

  • Added support for definition lists to lists plugin and enter key logic. This can now created by the format menu.
  • Added cmd option for the style_formats menu enables you to toggle commands on/off using the formats menu for example lists.
  • Added definition lists to visualblocks plugin so these are properly visualized like other list elements.
  • Added new paste_merge_formats option that reduces the number of nested text format elements produced on paste. Enabled by default.
  • Added better support for nested link_list/image_list menu items each item can now have a "menu" item with subitems.
  • Added "Add to Dictionary" support to spellchecker plugin when the backend tells that this feature is available.
  • Added new table_default_attributes/table_default_styles options patch contributed by Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen.
  • Added new table_class_list/table_cell_class_list/table_row_class_list options to table plugin.
  • Added new invalid_styles/valid_classes options to better control what gets returned for the style/class attribute.
  • Added new file_browser_callback_types option that allows you to specify where to display the picker based on dialog type.
  • Fixed so the selected state is properly handled on nested menu items in listboxes patch contributed by Jelle Kralt.
  • Fixed so the invisiblity css value for TinyMCE gets set to inherit instead of visible to better support dialog scripts like reveal.
  • Fixed bug where Gecko would remove anchors when pasting since the their default built in logic removes empty nodes.
  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to paste on Chrome Andoid since it doesn't properly support the Clipboard API yet.
  • Fixed bug where user defined type attribute value of text/javascript didn't get properly serialized.
  • Fixed bug where space in span elements would removed when the element was considered empty.
  • Fixed bug where the undo/redo button states didn't change if you removed all undo levels using undoManager.clear.
  • Fixed bug where unencoded links inside query strings or hash values would get processed by the relative urls logic.

What is new in version 4.0.25:

  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to submit forms with editor instances on WebKit/Blink.

What is new in version 4.0.23:

  • This release includes various bug fixed mostly related to paste and drag/drop.

What is new in version 4.0.22:

  • Added lastLevel to BeforeAddUndo level event so it's easier to block undo level creation based.
  • Fixed so multiple list elements can be indented properly.
  • Fixed bug where the selection would be at the wrong location sometimes for inline editor instances.
  • Fixed bug where drag/dropping content into an inline editor would fail on WebKit/Blink.
  • Fixed bug where table grid wouldn't work properly when the UI was rendered in for RTL mode.
  • Fixed bug where range normalization wouldn't handle mixed contentEditable nodes properly.
  • Fixed so the media plugin doesn't override the existing element rules you now need to manually whitelist non standard attributes.
  • Fixed so old language packs get properly loaded when the new longer language code format is used.
  • Fixed so all track changes junk such as comments, deletes etc gets removed when pasting from Word.
  • Fixed so non image data urls is blocked by default since they might contain scripts.
  • Fixed so it's possible to import styles from the current page stylesheets into an inline editor by using the importcss_file_filter.
  • Fixed bug where the spellchecker plugin wouldn't add undo levels for each suggestion replacement.

What is new in version 4.0.21:

  • Added new getCssText method to formatter to get the preview css text value for a format to be used in UI.
  • Added new table_grid option that allows you to disable the table grid and use a dialog.
  • Added new image_description, image_dimensions options to image plugin. Patch contributed by Pat O'Neill.
  • Added new media_alt_source, media_poster, media_dimensions options to media plugin. Patch contributed by Pat O'Neill.
  • Added new ability to specify high/low dpi versions custom button images for retina displays.
  • Added new getWindows method to WindowManager makes it easier to control the currently opened windows.
  • Added new paste_webkit_styles option to paste plugin to control the styles that gets retained on WebKit.
  • Added preview of classes for the selectboxes used by the link_class_list/image_class_list options.
  • Added support for Sauce Labs browser testing using the new saucelabs-tests build target.
  • Added title input field to link dialog for a11y reasons can be disabled by using the link_title option.
  • Fixed so the toolbar option handles an array as input for multiple toolbar rows.
  • Fixed so the editor renders in XHTML mode apparently some people still use this rendering mode.
  • Fixed so icons gets rendered better on Firefox on Mac OS X by applying -moz-osx-font-smoothing.
  • Fixed so the auto detected external media sources produced protocol relative urls. Patch contributed by Pat O'Neill.
  • Fixed so it's possible to update the text of a button after it's been rendered to page DOM.
  • Fixed bug where iOS 7.1 Safari would open linked when images where inserted into links.
  • Fixed bug where IE 11 would scroll to the top of inline editable elements when applying formatting.
  • Fixed bug where tabindex on elements within the editor contents would cause issues on some browsers.
  • Fixed bug where link text wouldn't be properly updated in gecko if you changed an existing link.
  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to close dialogs with the escape key if the focus was inside a textbox.
  • Fixed bug where Gecko wouldn't paste rich text contents from Word or other similar word processors.
  • Fixed bug where binding events after the control had been rendered could fail to produce a valid delegate.
  • Fixed bug where IE 8 would throw and error when removing editors with a cross domain content_css setting.
  • Fixed bug where IE 9 wouldn't be able to select text after an editor instance with caret focus was removed.

What is new in version 4.0.19:

  • Added support for CSS selector expressions in object_resizing option. Allows you to control what to resize.
  • Added addToTop compatibility to compat3x plugin enables more legacy 3.x plugins to work properly.
  • Fixed bug on IE where it wasn't possible to align images when they where floated left.
  • Fixed bug where the indent/outdent buttons was enabled though readonly mode was enabled.
  • Fixed bug where the nodeChanged event was fired when readonly mode was enabled.
  • Fixed bug where events like blur could be fired to editor instances that where manually removed on IE 11.
  • Fixed bug where IE 11 would move focus to menubar/toolbar when using the tab key in a form with an editor.
  • Fixed bug where drag/drop in Safari on Mac didn't work properly due to lack of support for modern dataTransfer object.
  • Fixed bug where the remove event wasn't properly executed when the editor instances where removed.

What is new in version 4.0.17:

  • Added much better wai-aria accessibility support when it comes to keyboard navigation of complex UI controls.
  • Added dfn,code,samp,kbd,var,cite,mark,q elements to the default remove formats list. Patch contributed by Naim Hammadi.
  • Added var,cite,dfn,code,mark,q,sup,sub to the list of elements that gets cloned on enter. Patch contributed by Naim Hammadi.
  • Added new visual_anchor_class option to specify a custom class for inline anchors. Patch contributed by Naim Hammadi.
  • Added support for paste_data_images on WebKit/Blink when the user pastes image data.
  • Added support for highlighting the video icon when a video is added that produces an iframe. Patch contributed by monkeydiane.
  • Added image_class_list/link_class_list options to image/link dialogs to let the user select classes.
  • Fixed bug where the ObjectResizeStart event didn't get fired properly by the ControlSelection class.
  • Fixed bug where the autolink plugin would steal focus when loaded on IE 9+.
  • Fixed bug where the editor save method would remove the current selection when called on an inline editor.
  • Fixed bug where the formatter would merge span elements with parent bookmarks if an id format was used.
  • Fixed bug where WebKit/Blink browsers would scroll to the top of the editor when pasting into an empty element.
  • Fixed bug where removing the editor would cause an error about wrong document on IE 11 under specific circumstances.
  • Fixed bug where Gecko would place the caret at an incorrect location when using backspace.
  • Fixed bug where Gecko would throw "Wrong Document Error" for ranges that pointing to removed nodes.
  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to properly update the title and encoding properties in the fullpage plugin.
  • Fixed bug where paste plugin would produce an extra undo level on IE.

What is new in version 4.0.15:

  • Fixed bug where paste in inline mode would produce an exception if the contents was pasted inside non overflow element.

What is new in version 4.0.12:

  • Added new media_scripts option to the media plugin. This makes it possible to embed videos using script elements.
  • Fixed bug where WebKit/Blink would produce random span elements and styles when deleting contents inside the editor.
  • Fixed bug where WebKit/Blink would produce span elements out of link elements when they where removed by the unlink command.
  • Fixed bug where div block formats in inline mode where applied to all paragraphs within the editor.
  • Fixed bug where div blocks where marked as an active format in inline mode when doing non collapsed selections.
  • Fixed bug where the importcss plugin wouldn't append styles if the style_formats option was configured.
  • Fixed bug where the importcss plugin would import styles into groups multiple times for different format menus.
  • Fixed bug where the paste plugin wouldn't properly remove the paste bin element on IE if a tried to paste a file.
  • Fixed bug where selection normalization wouldn't properly handle cases where a range point was after a element node.
  • Fixed bug where the default time format for the inserttime split button wasn't the first item in the list.
  • Fixed bug where the default text for the formatselect control wasn't properly translated by the language pack.
  • Fixed bug where links would be inserted incorrectly when auto detecting absolute urls/emails links in inline mode.
  • Fixed bug where IE 11 would insert contents in the wrong order due to focus/blur async problems.
  • Fixed bug where pasting contents on IE sometimes would place the contents at the end of the editor.
  • Fixed so drag/drop on non IE browsers gets filtered by the paste plugin. IE doesn't have the necessary APIs.
  • Fixed so the paste plugin better detects Word 2007 contents not marked with -mso junk.

What is new in version 4.0.11:

  • Added the possibility to update button icon after it's been rendered.
  • Added new autosave_prefix option allows you to set the prefix for the local storage keys.
  • Added new pagebreak_split_block option to make it easier to split block elements with a page break.
  • Fixed bug where IE would some times produce font elements when typing out side the body root blocks.
  • Fixed bug where IE wouldn't properly use the configured root block element but instead use the a paragraph.
  • Fixed bug where IE would throw a stack overflow if control selections non images was made in inline mode.
  • Fixed bug where IE 8 would render an extra enter element if the contents of the editor was empty.
  • Fixed bug where the caret wasn't moved to the first suitable element when updating the source.
  • Fixed bug where protocol relative urls would be forced into http protocol.
  • Fixed bug where internal images with data urls such as video elements would be removed by the paste_data_images option.
  • Fixed bug where the autoresize plugin wouldn't properly resize the editor to initial contents some times.
  • Fixed bug where the templates dialog wouldn't be properly rendered on IE 7.
  • Fixed bug where updating styles in the advanced tab under the image dialog would remove the style attribute on cancel.
  • Fixed bug where tinymce.full.min.js bundle script wasn't detected when looking for the tinymce root path.
  • Fixed bug where the SaxParser would throw a malformed URI sequence for inproperly encoded uris.
  • Fixed bug where enabling table caption wouldn't properly render the caption element on IE 10 and below.
  • Fixed bug where the scrollbar would be placed to the left and on top of the text of menu items in RTL mode.
  • Fixed bug where Firefox on Mac OS X would navigate forward/backward on CMD+Arrow keys.
  • Fixed bug where fullscreen toggle on fixed sized editors wouldn't be properly full screened.
  • Fixed bug where the unlink button would remove all links from the body element in inline mode under running in IE.
  • Fixed bug where iOS wasn't able to place the caret inside an empty editor when clicking below the first line.
  • Fixed so internal document anchors in Word documents are retained when pasting using the paste from word feature.
  • Fixed so menu shortcuts gets rendered with the Apple command icon patch contributed by Andy Keller.
  • Fixed so the CSS compression of styles like "border" is a bit better for mixed values.

What is new in version 4.0.9:

  • Added support for external template files to template plugin just set the templates option to a URL with JSON data.
  • Added new allow_script_urls option. Enabled by default, trims all script urls from attributes.
  • Fixed bug where IE would sometimes throw a "Permission denied" error unless the Sizzle doc was properly removed.
  • Fixed bug where lists plugin would remove outer list items if inline editable element was within a LI parent.
  • Fixed bug where insert table grid widget would insert a table on item to large when using a RTL language pack.
  • Fixed bug where fullscreen mode wasn't rendering properly on IE 7.
  • Fixed bug where resize handlers wasn't moved correctly when scrolling inline editable elements.
  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to paste from Excel and possible other applications due to Clipboard API bugs in browsers.
  • Fixed bug where Shift+Ctrl+V didn't produce a plain text paste on IE.
  • Fixed bug where IE would sometimes move the selection to the a previous location.
  • Fixed bug where the editor wasn't properly scrolled to the content insert location in inline mode.
  • Fixed bug where some comments would be parsed as HTML by the SaxParser.

What is new in version 4.0.8:

  • Added RTL support so all of the UI is rendered right to left if a language pack has a _dir property set to rtl.
  • Fixed bug where layout managers wouldn't handle subpixel values properly. When for example the browser was zoomed in.
  • Fixed bug where the importcss plugin wouldn't import classes from local stylesheets with remote @import rules on Gecko.
  • Fixed bug where Arabic characters wouldn't be properly counted in wordcount plugin.
  • Fixed bug where submit event would still fire even if it was unbound on IE 10. Now the event is simply ignored.
  • Fixed bug where IE 11 would return border-image: none when getting style attributes with borders in them.
  • Fixed various UI rendering issues on older IE versions.

What is new in version 4.0.6:

  • Added new compat3x plugin that makes it possible to load most 3.x plugins. Only available in the development package.
  • Added new skin_url option enables you to load local skins when using the CDN version.
  • Added new theme_url option enables you to load local themes when using the CDN version.
  • Added new importcss_file_filter option to importcss to enable users to specify what files to import from.
  • Added new template_preview_replace_values option to template plugin to add example data for variables.
  • Added image option support for addMenuItem calls. Enables you to provide a custom image for menu items.
  • Fixed bug where editor.insertContent wouldn't set format and selection type on events.
  • Fixed bug where inserting BR elements on IE 8 would thrown an exception when the range is at a empty text node.
  • Fixed bug where outdent of single LI element within another LI would produce an empty list element OL/UL.
  • Fixed bug where the bullist/numlist buttons wouldn't be deselected when deleting all contents.
  • Fixed bug where toggling an empty list item off wouldn't produce a new empty block element.
  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to apply lists to mixed text blocks and br lines.
  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to paste contents on iOS when the paste plugin was enabled.
  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to delete HR elements on Gecko.
  • Fixed bug where scrolling and refocusing using the mouse would place the caret incorrectly on IE.
  • Fixed bug where you needed to hit the empty paragraph to get editor focus in IE 11.
  • Fixed bug where activeEditor wasn't set to the correct editor when opening windows.
  • Fixed bug where dirty state wasn't set to false when undoing to the first undo level.
  • Fixed bug where pasting in inline mode on Safari on Mac wouldn't work properly.
  • Fixed bug where content_css wasn't loaded into the insert template dialog.

What is new in version 4.0.2:

  • Fixed bug where formatting using menus or toolbars wasn't possible on Opera 12.15.
  • Fixed bug where IE 8 keyboard input would break after paste using the paste plugin.
  • Fixed bug where IE 8 would throw an error when populating image size in image dialog.
  • Fixed bug where image resizing wouldn't work properly on latest IE 10.0.9 version.
  • Fixed bug where focus wasn't moved to the hovered menu button in a menubar container.
  • Fixed bug where paste would produce an extra uneeded undo level on IE and Gecko.
  • Fixed so anchors gets listed in the link dialog as they where in TinyMCE 3.x.
  • Fixed so sub, sup and strike though gets passed through when pasting from Word.

What is new in version 4.0.1:

  • New user interface API
  • New modern skin!
  • Inline editing
  • Updated build process
  • Higher quality code
  • Reworked plugins
  • CDN support

What is new in version 3.5.8:

  • Fixed bug where html5 data attributes where stripped from contents.
  • Fixed bug where toolbar was announced multiple times with JAWS on Firefox.
  • Fixed bug where the editor view wouldn't scroll to BR elements when using shift+enter or br enter mode.
  • Fixed bug where a JS error would be thrown when trying to paste table rows then the rows clipboard was empty.
  • Fixed bug with auto detection logic for youtube urls in the media plugin.
  • Fixed bug where the formatter would throw errors if you used the jQuery version of TinyMCE and the latest jQuery.
  • Fixed bug where the latest WebKit versions would produce span elements when deleting text between blocks.
  • Fixed bug where the autolink plugin would produce DOM exceptions when pressing shift+enter inside a block element.
  • Fixed bug where toggling of blockquotes when using br enter mode would produce an exception.
  • Fixed bug where focusing out of the body of the editor wouldn't properly add an undo level.

What is new in version 3.5.7:

  • This maintenance release fixes various bug and issues.

What is new in version 3.5.6:

  • This release fixes a few issues with the recently added WebKit/Opera resize image/table feature.

What is new in version 3.5.5:

  • Added full resize support for images and tables on WebKit/Opera. It now behaves just like Gecko.
  • Added automatic embed support for Vimeo, Stream.cz and Google Maps in media plugin.
  • Fixed bug where the lists plugin wouldn't properly remove all li elements when toggling selected items of.
  • Fixed bug where the lists plugin would remove the entire list if you pressed deleted at the beginning of the first element.
  • Fixed bug where the ordered/unordered list buttons could both be enabled if you nested lists.
  • Fixed bug where shift+enter wouldn't produce a BR in a LI when having forced_root_blocks set to false.
  • Fixed bug where scrollbars aren't visible in fullscreen when window is resized.
  • Fixed bug with updating the border size using the advimage dialog on IE 9.
  • Fixed bug where the selection of inner elements on IE 8 in contentEditable mode would select the whole parent element.
  • Fixed bug where the enter key would produce an empty anchor if you pressed it at the space after a link on IE.
  • Fixed bug where autolink plugin would produce an exception for specific HTML.
  • Fixed so the formatChanged function takes an optional "similar" parameter to use while matching the format.

What is new in version 3.5.4:

  • Added missing mouse events to HTML5 schema. Some events needs to be manually defined though since the spec is huge.
  • Added image resizing for WebKit browsers by faking the whole resize behavior.
  • Fixed bug in context menu plugin where listener to hide menu wasn't removed correctly.
  • Fixed bug where media plugin wouldn't use placeholder size for the object/video elements.
  • Fixed bug where jQuery plugin would break attr function in jQuery 1.7.2.
  • Fixed bug where jQuery plugin would throw an error if you used the tinymce pseudo selector when TinyMCE wasn't loaded.
  • Fixed so encoding option gets applied when using jQuery val() or attr() to extract the contents.
  • Fixed so any non valid width/height passed to media plugin would get parsed to proper integer or percent values.

What is new in version 3.5.3:

  • Added missing wbr element to HTML5 schema.
  • Added new mceToggleFormat command. Enabled you to toggle a specific format on/off.
  • Fixed bug where undo/redo state didn't update correctly after executing an execCommand call.
  • Fixed bug where the editor would get auto focused on IE running in quirks mode.
  • Fixed bug where pressing enter before an IMG or INPUT element wouldn't properly split the block.
  • Fixed bug where backspace would navigate back when selecting control types on IE.
  • Fixed bug where the editor remove method would unbind events for controls outside the editor instance UI.
  • Fixed bug where the autosave plugin would try to store a draft copy of editors that where removed.
  • Fixed bug where floated elements wouldn't expand the block created when pressing enter on non IE browsers.
  • Fixed bug where the caret would be placed in the wrong location when pressing enter at the beginning of a block.
  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to block events using the handle_event_callback option.
  • Fixed bug where keyboard navigation of the ColorSplitButton.js didn't work correctly.
  • Fixed bug where keyboard navigation didn't work correctly on split buttons.
  • Fixed bug where the legacy Event.add function didn't properly handle multiple id:s passed in.
  • Fixed bug where the caret would disappear on IE when selecting all contents and pressing backspace/delete.
  • Fixed bug where the getStart/getEnd methods would sometimes return elements from the wrong document on IE.
  • Fixed so paragraphs gets created if you press enter inside a form element.

What is new in version 3.5.2:

  • Added new formatChanged method to tinymce.Formatter class. Enables easier state change handling of formats.
  • Added new selectorChanged method to tinymce.dom.Selection class. Enables easier state change handling of matching CSS selectors.
  • Changed the default theme to be advanced instead of simple since most users uses the advanced theme.
  • Changed so the theme_advanced_buttons doesn't have a default set if one button row is specified.
  • Changed the theme_advanced_toolbar_align default value to "left".
  • Changed the theme_advanced_toolbar_location default value to "top".
  • Changed the theme_advanced_statusbar_location default value to "bottom".
  • Fixed bug where the simple link dialog would remove class and target attributes from links when updating them if the drop downs wasn't visible.
  • Fixed bug where the link/unlink buttons wouldn't get disabled once a link was created by the autolink plugin logic.
  • Fixed bug where the border attribute was missing in the HTML5 schema.
  • Fixed bug where the legacyoutput plugin would use inline styles for font color.
  • Fixed bug where editing of anchor names wouldn't produce an undo level.
  • Fixed bug where the table plugin would delete the last empty block element in the editor.
  • Fixed bug where pasting table rows when they where selected would make it impossible to editor that table row.
  • Fixed bug with pressing enter in IE while having a select list focused would produce a JS error.
  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to merge table cells by selecting them and using merge from context menu.
  • Removed summary from HTML5 table attributes and fixed so this and other deprecated table fields gets hidden in the table dialog.

What is new in version 3.5.1:

  • This release fixes various HTML5 specific issues and a few IE enter key related issues.

What is new in version 3.5:

  • Fixed menu rendering issue if the document was in rtl mode.
  • Fixed bug where the hide function would throw an error about a missing variable.
  • Fixed bug where autolink wouldn't convert URLs when hitting enter on IE due to the new enter key logic.
  • Fixed bug where formatting using shortcuts like ctrl+b wouldn't work properly the first time.
  • Fixed bug where selection.setContent after a formatter call wouldn't generate formatted contents.
  • Fixed bug where whitespace would be removed before/after invalid_elements when they where removed.
  • Fixed bug where updating styles using the theme image dialog in non inline mode on IE9 would produce errors.
  • Fixed bug where IE 8 would produce an error when using the contextmenu plugin.
  • Fixed bug where delete/backspace could remove contents of noneditable elements.
  • Fixed so background color in style preview gets computed from body element if the current style element is transparent.

What is new in version 3.5b3:

  • Added cancel button to color picker dialog.
  • Added figure and figcaption to the html5 visualblocks plugin.
  • Added default alignment options for the figure element.
  • Fixed bug where empty inline elements within block elements would sometimes produce a br child element.
  • Fixed bug where urls pointing to the same domain as the current one would cause undefined errors.
  • Fixed bug where enter inside an editable element inside an non editable element would split the element.
  • Fixed bug where cut/copy/paste of noneditable elements didn't work.
  • Fixed bug where backspace would sometimes produce font elements on WebKit.
  • Fixed bug where WebKit would produce spans out of various inline elements when using backspace.
  • Fixed bug where IE9 wouldn't properly update image styles when images where resized.
  • Fixed bug where drag/drop of noneditable elements didn't work correctly.
  • Fixed bug where applying formatting to all contents wouldn't work correctly when an end point was inside an empty bock.
  • Fixed bug where IE10 removed the scopeName from the DOM element interface and there for it produced an undefined string in element path.
  • Fixed bug where the caret would be placed at an incorrect location if you applied block formatting while having the caret at the end of the block.
  • Fixed bug where applying column changes using the cell dialog would only update the first column.
  • Fixed bug where the visualblocks plugin would force editor focus if it was turned on by default.
  • Fixed bug where the tabfocus plugin would tab to iframes these are now ignored.
  • Fixed bug where format drop down list wouldn't show the currently active format for a parent element.
  • Fixed bug where paste of plain text in IE 9 would remove the new line characters from text.
  • Fixed bug where the menu buttons/split button menus wouldn't be opened at the right location on older IE versions.
  • Fixed bug where Gecko browsers wouldn't properly display the right format when having the selection as specific places.
  • Fixed bug where shift+enter inside the body when having forced_root_blocks set to false would throw an error.
  • Fixed bug where the jQuery plugin would break the attr method of jQuery 1.7.2.
  • Fixed so options like content_css accepts and array as well as a comma separated string as input.
  • Restructured the internal logic to make it more separate from Editor.js.
  • Updated the Sizzle engine to the latest version.

What is new in version 3.5b2:

  • Rewrote the enter key logic to normalize browser behavior.
  • Fixed so enter within PRE elements produces a BR and shift+enter breaks/end the PRE. Can be disabled using the br_in_pre option.
  • Fixed bug where the selection wouldn't be correct after applying formatting and having the caret at the end of the new format node.
  • Fixed bug where the noneditable plugin would process contents on raw input calls for example on undo/redo calls.
  • Fixed bug where WebKit could produce an exception when a bookmark was requested when there wasn't a proper selection.
  • Fixed bug where WebKit would fail to open the image dialog since it would be returning false for a class name instead of a string.
  • Fixed so alignment and indentation works properly when forced_root_blocks is set to false. It will produce a DIV by default.

What is new in version 3.5b1:

  • Rewritten noneditable plugin
  • HTML5 support and visualblocks plugin
  • Styles preview

What is new in version 3.4.9:

  • Added settings to wordcount plugin to configure update rate and checking wordcount on backspace and delete using wordcount_update_rate and wordcount_update_on_delete.
  • Fixed bug in Webkit and IE where deleting empty paragraphs would remove entire editor contents.
  • Fixed bug where pressing enter on end of list item with a heading would create a new item with heading.
  • Fixed edit css style dialog text-decoration none checkbox so it disables other text-decoration options when enabled.
  • Fixed bug in Gecko where undo wasn't added when focus was lost.
  • Fixed bug in Gecko where shift-enter in table cell ending with BR doesn't move caret to new line.
  • Fixed bug where right-click on formatted text in IE selected the entire line.
  • Fixed bug where text ending with space could not be unformatted in IE.
  • Fixed bug where caret formatting would be removed when moving the caret when a selector expression was used.
  • Fixed bug where formatting would be applied to the body element when all contents where selected and format had both inline and selector parts.
  • Fixed bug where the media plugin would throw errors if you had iframe set as an invalid element in config.
  • Fixed bug where the caret would be placed at the top of the document if you inserted a table and undo:ed that operation.
  • Fixed bug where content css files where loaded twice into the iframe.
  • Fixed so elements with comments would be trated as non empty elements.

What is new in version 3.4.8:

  • Fixed bug in IE where selected text ending with space cannot be formatted then formatted again to get original text.
  • Fixed bug in IE where images larger than editor area were being deselected when toolbar buttons are clicked.
  • Fixed bug where wrong text align buttons are active when multiple block elements are selected.
  • Fixed bug where selected link not showing in target field of link dialog in some selection cases.
  • Use settings for remove_trailing_br so this can be turned off instead of hard coding the value.
  • Fixed bug in IE where the media plugin displayed null text when some values aren't filled in.
  • Added API method 'onSetAttrib' that fires when the attribute value on a node changes.
  • Fix font size dropdown value not being updated when text already has a font size in the advanced template.
  • Fixed bug in IE where IE doesn't use ARIA attributes properly on options - causing labels to be read out 2 times.
  • Fixed bug where caret cannot be placed after table if table is at end of document in IE.
  • Fixed bug where adding range isn't always successful so we need to check range count otherwise an exception can occur.
  • Added spacebar onclick handler to toolbar buttons to ensure that the accessibility behaviour works correctly.
  • Fixed bug where a stranded bullet point would get created in WebKit.
  • Fixed bug where selecting text in a blockquote and pressing backspace toggles the style.
  • Fixed bug where pressing enter from a heading in IE, the resulting P tag below it shares the style property.
  • Fix white space in between spans from being deleted.
  • Fixed bug where scrollbars where visible in the character map dialog on Gecko.
  • Fixed issue with missing translation for one of the emoticons.
  • Fixed bug where dots in id:s where causing problems.
  • Fixed bug where urls with an at sign in the path wouldn't be parsed correctly.
  • Fixed bug where Opera would remove the first character of a inline formatted word if you pressed backspace.
  • Fixed bugs with the autoresize plugin on various browsers and removed the need for the throbber.

What is new in version 3.4.7:

  • Modified the caret formatting behavior to word similar to common desktop wordprocessors like Word or Libre Office.
  • Fixed bug in Webkit - Cursor positioning does not work vertically within a table cell with multiple lines of text.
  • Fixed bug in IE where Inserting a table in IE8 places cursor in the second cell of the first row.
  • Fixed bug in IE where editor in a frame doesn't give focus to the toolbar using ALT-F10.
  • Fix for webkit and gecko so that deleting bullet from start of list outdents inner list items and moves first item into paragraph.
  • Fix new list items in IE8 not displayed on a new line when list contains nested list items.
  • Clear formatting in table cell breaks the cell.
  • Made media type list localisable.
  • Fix out of memory error when using prototype in media dialog.
  • Fixed bug where could not add a space in the middle of a th cell.
  • Fixed bug where adding a bullet between two existing bullets adds an extra one
  • Fixed bug where trying to insert a new entry midway through a bulleted list fails dismally when the next entry is tabbed in.
  • Fixed bug where pressing enter on an empty list item does not outdent properly in FF
  • Fixed bug where adding a heading after a list item in a table cell changes all styles in that cell
  • Fixed bug where hitting enter to exit from a bullet list moves cursor to the top of the page in Firefox.
  • Fixed bug where pressing backspace would not delete HRs in Firefox and IE when next to an empty paragraph.
  • Fixed bug where deleting part of the link text can cause a link with no destination to be saved.
  • Fixed bug where css style border widths wasn't handled correctly in table dialog.
  • Fixed bug where parsing invalid html contents on IE or WebKit could produce an infinite loop.
  • Fixed bug where scripts with custom script types wasn't properly passed though the editor.
  • Fixed issue where some Japanese kanji characters wasn't properly entity encoded when numeric entity mode was enabled.
  • Made emoticons dialog use the keyboard naviation.
  • Added navigation instructions to the symbols dialog.
  • Added ability to set default values for the media plugin.
  • Added new font_size_legacy_values option for converting old font element sizes to span with font-size properties.
  • Fixed bug where the symbols dialog was not accessible.
  • Added quirk for IE ensuring that the body of the document containing tinyMCE has a role="application" for accessibility.
  • Fixed bug where the advanced color picker wasn't working properly on FF 7.
  • Fixed issue where the advanced color picker was producing uppercase hex codes.
  • Fixed bug where IE 8 could throw exceptions if the contents contained resizable content elements.
  • Fixed bug where caret formatting wouldn't be correctly applied to previous sibling on WebKit.
  • Fixed bug where the select boxes for font size/family would loose it's value on WebKit due to recent iOS fixes.

What is new in version 3.4.6:

  • Added support in Media plugin for audio media using the embed tag
  • Fixed accessibility bugs in WebKit and IE8 where toolbar items were not being read.
  • Added new use_accessible_selects option to ensure accessible list boxes are used in all browsers (custom widget in firefox native on other browsers)
  • Fixed bug where classid attribute was not being checked from embed objects.
  • Fixed bug in jsrobot tests with intermittently failing.
  • Fixed bug where anchors wasn't updated properly if you edited them using IE 8.
  • Fixed bug where input method on WebKit on Mac OS X would fail to initialize when sometimes focusing the editor.
  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to select HR elements on WebKit by simply clicking on them.
  • Fixed bug where the media plugin wouldn't work on IE9 when not using the inlinepopups plugin.
  • Fixed bug where hspace,vspace,align and bgcolor would be removed from object elements in the media plugin.
  • Fixed bug where the new youtube format wouldn't be properly parsed by the media plugin.
  • Fixed bug where the style attribute of layers wasn't properly updated on IE and Gecko.
  • Fixed bug where editing contents in a layer would fail on Gecko since contentEditable doesn't inherit properly.
  • Fixed bug where IE 6/7 would produce JS errors when serializing contents containing layers.

What is new in version 3.4.5:

  • Fixed accessibility bug in WebKit where the right and left arrow keys would update native list boxes.
  • Added new whitespace_elements option to enable users to specify specific elements where the whitespace is preserved.
  • Added new merge_siblings option to formats. This option makes it possible to disable the auto merging of siblings when applying formats.
  • Fixed bug in IE where trailing comma in paste plugin would cause plugin to not run correctly.
  • Fixed bug in WebKit where console messages would be logged when deleting an empty document.
  • Fixed bug in IE8 where caret positioned is on list item instead of paragraph when outdent splits the list
  • Fixed bug with image dialogs not inserting an image if id was omitted from valid_elements.
  • Fixed bug where the selection normalization logic wouldn't properly handle image elements in specific config cases.
  • Fixed bug where the map elements coords attribute would be messed up by IE when serializing the DOM.
  • Fixed bug where IE wouldn't properly handle custom elements when the contents was serialized.
  • Fixed bug where you couldn't move the caret in Gecko if you focused the editor using the API or a UI control.
  • Fixed bug where adjacent links would get merged on IE due to bugs in their link command.
  • Fixed bug where the color split buttons would loose the selection on IE if the editor was placed in a frame/iframe.
  • Fixed bug where floated images in WebKit wouldn't get properly linked.
  • Fixed bug where the fullscreen mode in a separate window wasn't forced into IE9+ standards mode.
  • Fixed bug where pressing enter in an empty editor on WebKit could produce DIV elements instead of P.
  • Fixed bug where spans would get removed incorrectly when merging two blocks on backspace/delete on WebKit.
  • Fixed bug where the editor contents wouldn't be completely removed on backspace/delete on WebKit.
  • Fixed bug where the fullpage plugin wouldn't properly render style elements in the head on IE 6/7.
  • Fixed bug where the nonbreaking_force_tab option in the nonbreaking plugin wouldn't work on Gecko/WebKit.
  • Fixed bug where the isDirty state would become true on non IE browsers if there was an table at the end of the contents.
  • Fixed bug where entities wasn't properly encoded on WebKit when pasting text as plain text.
  • Fixed bug where empty editors would produce an exception of valid_elements didn't include body and forced_root_blocks where disabled.
  • Fixed bug where the fullscreen mode wouldn't retain the header/footer in the fullpage plugin.
  • Fixed issue where the plaintext_mode and plaintext_mode_sticky language keys where swapped.

What is new in version 3.4.4:

  • Added new html5 audio support. Patch contributed by Ronald M. Clifford.
  • Added mute option for video elements and preload options for video/audio patch contributed by Dmitry Kalinkin.
  • Fixed selection to match visual selection before applying formatting changes.
  • Fixed browser specific bugs in lists for WebKit and IE.
  • Fixed bug where IE would scroll the window if you closed an inline dialog that was larger than the viewport. Patch by Laurence Keijmel.
  • Fixed bug where pasting contents near a span element could remove parts of that span. Patch contributed by Wesley Walser.
  • Fixed bug where formatting change would be lost after pressing enter.
  • Fixed bug in WebKit where deleting across blocks would add extra styles.
  • Fixed bug where moving cursor vertically in tables in WebKit wasn't working.
  • Fixed bug in IE where deleting would cause error in console.
  • Fixed bug where the formatter was not applying formats across list elements.
  • Fixed bug where the wordcount plugin would try and update the wordcount if tinymce had been destroyed.
  • Fixed bug where tabfocus plugin would attempt to focus elements not displayed when their parent element was hidden.
  • Fixed bug where the contentEditable state would sometimes be removed if you deleted contents in Gecko.
  • Fixed bug where inserting contents using mceInsertContent would fail if "span" was disabled in valid_elements.
  • Fixed bug where initialization might fail if some resource on gecko wouldn't load properly and fire the onload event.
  • Fixed bug where ctrl+7/8/9 keys wouldn't properly add the specific formats associated with them.
  • Fixed bug where the HTML tags wasn't properly closed in the style plugins properties dialog.
  • Fixed bug where the list plugin would produce an exception if the user tried to delete an element at the very first location.

What is new in version

  • Fixed bug where deleting all of a paragraph inside a table cell would behave badly in webkit.
  • Fixed bugs in tests in firefox5 and WebKit.
  • Fixed bug where selection of table cells would produce an exception on Gecko.
  • Fixed bug where the caret wasn't properly rendered on Gecko when the editor was hidden.
  • Fixed bug where pasting plain text into WebKit would produce a pre element it will now produce more semantic markup.
  • Fixed bug where selecting list type formats using the advlist plugin on IE8 would loose editor selection.
  • Fixed bug where forced root blocks logic wouldn't properly pad elements created if they contained data attributes.
  • Fixed bug where it would remove all contents of the editor if you inserted an image when not having a caret in the document.
  • Fixed bug where the YUI compressor wouldn't properly encode strings with only a quote in them.
  • Fixed bug where WebKit on iOS5 wouldn't call nodeChanged when the selection was changed.
  • Fixed bug where mceFocus command wouldn't work properly on Gecko since it didn't focus the body element.
  • Fixed performance issue with the noneditable plugin where it would enable/disable controls to often.

What is new in version 3.4.3:

  • Fixed bug where deleting backwards before an image into a list would put the cursor in the wrong location.
  • Fixed bug where styles plugin would not apply styles across multiple selected block elements correctly.
  • Fixed bug where cursor would jump to start of document when selection contained empty table cells in IE8.
  • Fixed bug where applied styles wouldn't be kept if you pressed enter twice to produce two paragraphs.
  • Fixed bug where a ghost like caret would appear on Gecko when pressing enter while having a text color applied.
  • Fixed bug where IE would produce absolute urls if you inserted a image/link and reloaded the page.
  • Fixed bug where applying a heading style to a list item would cascade style to children list items.
  • Fixed bug where Editor loses focus when backspacing and changing styles in WebKit.
  • Fixed bug where exception was thrown in tinymce.util.URI when parsing a relative URI and no base_uri setting was provided.
  • Fixed bug where alt-f10 was not always giving focus to the toolbar on Safari.
  • Added new 'allow_html_in_named_anchor' option to allow html to occur within a named anchor tag. Use at own risk.
  • Added plugin dependency support. Will autoload plugins specified as a dependency if they haven't been loaded.
  • Fixed bug where the autolink plugin didn't work with non-English keyboards when pressing ).
  • Added possibility to change properties of all table cells in a column.
  • Added external_image_list option to get images list from user-defined variable or function.
  • Fixed bug where the autoresize plugin wouldn't reduce the editors height on Chrome.
  • Fixed bug where table size inputs were to small for values with size units.
  • Fixed bug where table cell/row size input values were not validated.
  • Fixed bug where menu item line-height would be set to wrong value by external styles.
  • Fixed bug where hasUndo() would return wrong answer.
  • Fixed bug where page title would be set to undefined by fullpage plugin.
  • Fixed bug where HTML5 video properties were not updated in embedded media settings.
  • Fixed bug where HTML comment on the first line would cause an error.
  • Fixed bug where spellchecker menu was positioned incorrectly on IE.
  • Fixed bug where breaking out of list elements on WebKit would produce a DIV instead of P after the list.
  • Fixed bug where pasting from Word in IE9 would add extra BR elements when text was word wrapped.
  • Fixed bug where numeric entities with leading zeros would produce incorrect decoding.
  • Fixed bug where hexadecimal entities wasn't properly decoded.
  • Fixed bug where bookmarks wasn't properly stored/restored on undo/redo.
  • Fixed bug where the mceInsertCommand didn't retain the values of links if they contained non url contents.
  • Fixed bug where the valid_styles option wouldn't be properly used on styles for specific elements.
  • Fixed so contentEditable is used for the body of the editor if it's supported.
  • Fixed so trailing BR elements gets removed even when forced_root_blocks option was set to false/null.
  • Fixed performance issue with mceInsertCommand and inserting very simple contents.
  • Fixed performance issue with older IE version and huge documents by optimizing the forced root blocks logic.
  • Fixed performance issue with table plugin where it checked for selected cells to often.
  • Fixed bug where creating a link on centered/floated image would produce an error on WebKit browsers.
  • Fixed bug where Gecko would remove single paragraphs if there where contents before/after it.
  • Fixed bug where the scrollbar would move up/down when pasting contents using the paste plugin.

What is new in version 3.4.2:

  • Added new 'paste_text_sticky_default' option to paste plugin, enables you to set the default state for paste as plain text.
  • Added new autoresize_bottom_margin option to autoresize plugin that enables you to add an extra margin at the bottom. Patch contributed by Andrew Ozz.
  • Rewritten the fullpage plugin to handle style contents better and have a more normalized behavior across browsers.
  • Fixed bug where contents inserted with mceInsertContent wasn't parsed using the default dom parser.
  • Fixed bug where blocks containing a single anchor element would be treated as empty.
  • Fixed bug where merging of table cells on IE 6, 7 wouldn't look correctly until the contents was refreshed.
  • Fixed bug where context menu wouldn't work properly on Safari since it was passing out the ctrl key as pressed.
  • Fixed bug where image border color/style values were overwritten by advimage plugin.
  • Fixed bug where setting border in advimage plugin would throw error in IE.
  • Fixed bug where empty anchors list in link settings wasn't hidden.
  • Fixed bug where xhtmlextras popups were missing localized popup-size parameters.
  • Fixed bug where the context menu wouldn't select images on WebKit browsers.
  • Fixed bug where paste plugin wouldn't properly extract the contents on WebKit due to recent changes in browser behavior.
  • Fixed bug where focus of the editor would get on control contents on IE lost due to a bug in the ColorSplitButton control.
  • Fixed bug where contextmenu wasn't disabled on noneditable elements.
  • Fixed bug where getStyle function would trigger error when called on element without style property.
  • Fixed bug where editor fail to load if Javascript Compressor was used.
  • Fixed bug where list-style-type=lower-greek would produce errors in IE<8.
  • Fixed bug where spellchecker plugin would produce errors on IE6-7.
  • Fixed bug where theme_advanced_containers configuration option causes error.
  • Fixed bug where the mceReplaceContent command would produce an error since it didn't correctly handle a return value.
  • Fixed bug where you couldn't enter float point values for em in dialog input fields since it wouldn't be considered a valid size.
  • Fixed bug in xhtmlxtras plugin where it wasn't possible to remove some attributes in the attributes dialog.

What is new in version 3.4.1:

  • List plugin:
  • This plugin enhances the list capabilities in TinyMCE to be more normalized and produce more strict output.
  • Autolink plugin:
  • IE will automatically produce links for urls you type in the text to normalize this behavior for other browsers a autolink plugin was created.
  • Bug fixes:
  • This release includes a lot of bug fixes namely focused on undo/redo, parser/serializer logic and the media plugin.

What is new in version 3.4:

  • New (X)HTML Parser/Serializer engine
  • Forced xhtml transitional schema
  • New WAI-ARIA support
  • Media plugin rewrite
  • Context sensitive mceInsertContent command
  • Removed options

What is new in version 3.4b3:

  • WAI-ARIA support.
  • Media iframe support.
  • Improved mceInsertContent command.

What is new in version 3.4b2:

  • Added new custom flash player, this player supports mp4 and flv and has skin support.
  • Fixed so mceInsertContent handles context correctly to enforce valid nesting of elements.
  • Fixed bug where scrolling would become jerky on IE on some contents.
  • Fixed bug where paste as plain text would throw exception of missing entities setting.
  • Fixed bug where anchor nodes where removed by the new serializer engine.
  • Fixed bug where IE would crash if when backspace where used on some specific contents.
  • Fixed bug where pasting of plain text in WebKit would result in merging of text lines.
  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to delete images or tables using backspace on IE9.
  • Fixed bug where urls in styles would generate a JS error due to incorrect scope.
  • Fixed bug where copy paste from Java applications would produce extra contents in FF on Mac.
  • Fixed bug where the verify_html option wouldn't allow all elements and attributes.

What is new in version

  • New Parser/Serialization engine
  • New media plugin
  • Bug fixes

What is new in version

  • This release fixes more IE 9 beta 1 issues and a few other minor issues check the changelog for details.

What is new in version

  • Fixed a issue where Opera 10.62 (Presto) would mysteriously delete elements if the user did things with the selection to fast.

What is new in version 3.3.9:

  • Fixed bug where inserting table rows into a table with subtable would produce an incorrect column count.
  • Fixed bug where the selection of cells in a table with subtables could produce invalid selections.
  • Fixed bug where the table plugin would produce a script error if you tried to move the caret before a first child table.
  • Fixed bug where the keep_styles feature on IE would move the caret to an incorrect location at the end of list blocks.
  • Fixed so attributes from legacy elements such as font gets retained when they get converted to spans.
  • Fixed minor issue where the select boxes wouldn't be set the not set by default in the table dialog.

What is new in version 3.3.8:

  • This release fixes more bugs especially on IE and WebKit we also updated the unit tests to run a newer version of QUnit.

What is new in version 3.3.7:

  • Fixed bug where context menu would produce an error on IE if you right clicked twice and left clicked once.
  • Fixed bug where resizing of the window on WebKit browsers in fullscreen mode wouldn't position the statusbar correctly.
  • Fixed bug where IE would produce an error if the editor was empty and you where undoing to that initial level.
  • Fixed bug where setting the table background on gecko would produce " entities inside the url style property.
  • Fixed bug where the button states wouldn't be updated correctly on IE if you placed the caret inside the new element.
  • Fixed bug where undo levels wasn't properly added after applying styles or font sizes.
  • Fixed bug where IE would throw an error if you used "select all" on empty elements and applied formatting to that.
  • Fixed bug where IE could select one extra character when you did a bookmark call on a caret location.
  • Fixed bug where IE could produce a script error on delete since it would sometimes produce an invalid DOM.
  • Fixed bug where IE would return the wrong start element if the whole element was selected.
  • Fixed bug where formatting states wasn't updated on IE if you pressed enter at the end of a block with formatting.
  • Fixed bug where submenus for the context menu wasn't removed correctly when the editor was destroyed.
  • Fixed bug where Gecko could select the wrong element after applying format to multiple elements.
  • Fixed bug where Gecko would delete parts of the previous element if the selection range was a element selection.
  • Fixed bug where Gecko would not merge paragraph elements correctly if they contained br elements.
  • Fixed bug where the cleanup button could produce span artifacts if you pressed it twice in a row.
  • Fixed bug where the fullpage plugin header/footer would be have it's header reseted to it's initial state on undo.
  • Fixed bug where an empty paragraph would be collapsed if you performed a cleanup while having the caret inside it.
  • Fixed a few memory leaks on IE especially with drop menus in listboxes and the spellchecker.
  • Fixed so formats applied to the current caret gets merged to reduce the number of output elements.
  • Added the latest version of Sizzle for the CSS selector logic to fix a compatibility issue with prototype.

What is new in version 3.3.6:

  • Fixed bug where a editor.focus call could produce errors on IE in very specific scenarios.
  • Fixed bug where Gecko would produce an error if you unformatted text inside an empty element.
  • Fixed bug where IE would produce an error if the caret was placed before a table and you used the align buttons.
  • Fixed bug where the font size drop down didn't display the a preview correctly.
  • Fixed bug where the paste plugin wouldn't include all contents some times on WebKit browsers.
  • Fixed bug where the plain text mode toggle wouldn't work properly on WebKit.
  • Fixed bug where the editors statusbar would become invisible when you resized the window in fullscreen mode.

What is new in version 3.3.1:

  • Added new live resize feature, the editor contents is now visible while resizing.
  • Fixed bug where some valid_element patterns would produce an unknown property error.
  • Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to toggle off blockquotes.
  • Fixed bug where an undo level wasn't produced when applying formatting using the styles dropdown.
  • Fixed bug where IE 6/7 wouldn't perform caret formatting due to a focus/event bug in IE.
  • Fixed bug where undo/redo wasn't restoring the previous selection correctly.
  • Fixed bug where the caret would become invisible if you resized the editor in latest Gecko.
  • Fixed bug where the class attribute wasn't completely removed in IE 6/7 when the removeClass function was used.
  • Fixed so the matchNode method of the Formatter class returns the matched format rule.
  • Fixed so it's possible to apply formatting to both blocks and as inline elements.

What is new in version 3.2.5:

  • Added new jQuery plugin for the jQuery specific package. This enables you to more easily load and use TinyMCE.
  • Added new autoresize plugin contributed by Peter Dekkers. This plugin will auto resize the editor to the size of the contents.
  • Fixed so all packages have the same directory structure. Previous releases had a different structure for the production package.
  • Fixed so the paste from word dialog forces the contents to be processed as word contents even if it's not.
  • Fixed so the jQuery build adapter build works. It's currently only excluding Sizzle.
  • Fixed so noscript element contents is retained during the editing process.
  • Fixed bug where the getBookmark method would need a "simple" string input when the documented way is a boolean.
  • Fixed bug where invalid contents could break the fix_table_elements logic.
  • Fixed bug where Sizzle specific attributes would be serialized if the valid_elements was set to *[*].
  • Fixed bug where IE would produce an error if you specified a relative content_css and opened the paste dialog.
  • Fixed bug where pasting images on IE would produce broken images if they came from an external site.
  • Fixed bug where memory was leaked if you add/remove controls dynamically. Some event handlers wasn't removed properly.
  • Fixed bug where domain relaxing wasn't treated correctly if you added it after the TinyMCE script element.
  • Fixed bug where the activeEditor wasn't set to null if the last editor instance was removed.
  • Fixed bug where IE was leaking memory on the onbeforeunload event due to some recently introduced logic. Patch contributed by Options.
  • Fixed bug where inserting tables in Safari 4 didn't work due to a new WebKit bug where some element names are reserved.
  • Fixed bug where URLs having a :// value in the query string would make it absolute regardless of URL settings.
  • Fixed the WebKit specific bug where DOM Ranges would fail if the node wasn't attached to something in a different way.
  • Removed the auto_resize option and the resizeToContent method from the tinymce.Editor class. Use the new autoresize plugin instead.

What is new in version

  • Fixed regression bug with the getPos method, it would return invalid if the view port was to small.

What is new in version

  • Fixed so the DOMUtils getPos method can be used cross documents if needed.
  • Fixed bug where undo/redo wasn't working correctly in Gecko browsers.

What is new in version

  • Added support for tel: URL prefixes. Even though this doesn't match any official RFC.
  • Fixed so the select method of the Selection class selects the first best suitable contents.
  • Fixed bug where the regexps for www. prefixes for link and advlink dialogs would match wwwX.
  • Fixed bug where the preview dialog would fail to open if the content_css wasn't defined. Patch contributed by David Bildstrom (ChronoZ).
  • Fixed bug where editors wasn't converted in application/xhtml+xml mode due to an issue with Sizzle.
  • Fixed bug where alignment would fail if multiple lines where selected.
  • Updated Sizzle engine to the latest version, this version fixes a few bugs that was reported.

What is new in version 3.2.2:

  • Added new CSS selector engine. Sizzle the same one that jQuery and other libraries are using.
  • Added new is and getParents methods to the DOMUtils class. These use the new Sizzle engine to select elements.
  • Added new removeformat_selector option, enables you to specify a CSS selector pattern of elements to remove when using removeformat.
  • Fixed so the getParent method can take CSS expressions when selecting it's parents.
  • Added new ant based build process, includes a new javabased preprocessor and a yuicompressor ant task.
  • Moved the tab_focus logic into a plugin called tabfocus, so the old tab_focus option has been removed from the core.
  • Replaced the TinyMCE custom unit testing framework with Qunit and rewrote all tests to match the new logic.
  • Moved the examples/testcases to a root directory called tests since it now includes slickspeed.
  • Fixed bug where nbsp wasn't replaced correctly in ForceBlocks.js. Patch contributed by thorn.
  • Fixed bug where an dom exception would be thrown in Gecko when the theme_advanced_path path was set to false under xml application mode.
  • Fixed bug where it was impossible to get out of a link at the end of a block element in Gecko.
  • Fixed bug where the latest WebKit nightly would fail when changing font size and font family.
  • Fixed bug where the latest WebKit nightly would fail when opening dialogs due to changes to the arguments object.
  • Fixed bug where paragraphs wasn't added to elements positioned absolute using classes.
  • Fixed bug where font size values with dot's like 1.4em would produce a class instead of the style value.
  • Fixed bug where IE 8 would return an incorrect position for elements.
  • Fixed bug where IE 8 would render colorpicker/filepicker icons incorrectly.
  • Fixed bug where trailing slashes for directories in URLs would be removed.
  • Fixed bug where autostart and other boolean values in the media dialog wouldn't be stored/parsed correctly.
  • Fixed bug where the repaint call for the media plugin wouldn't be executed due to a typo in the source.
  • Fixed bug where id attribute of object elements wasn't kept intact by the media plugin.
  • Fixed bug where preview of embeded elements when the media_use_script option was used would fail.
  • Fixed bug where inlinepopups could be rendered at an incorrect location on IE 6 while dragging.
  • Fixed bug where the blocker shim could be placed at an incorrect location on IE 6.
  • Fixed bug where the multiple and size attributes of select elements would produce incorrect values while running in IE.
  • Fixed bug where IE would loose the caret position is you selected a color from the color drop down.
  • Fixed bug where remove format wouldn't work on IE since it couldn't remove span elements that had style information.
  • Fixed bug where Opera was removing links when removing formatting from selected contents.
  • Fixed bug where paragraphs could be produced inside non positional elements styled with the CSS position value of static.
  • Fixed bug where removeformat wouldn't work if you selected part of a span in IE.
  • Fixed bug where media plugin didn't retain the style attribute on embed/object elements.
  • Fixed bug where auto focus on empty editor instances could produce strange results if you inserted an image into it.
  • Fixed bug where   characters would be removed in FF when inserted with the mceInsertContent or selection.setContent methods.
  • Fixed bug where warning message of missing paste support wasn't displayed on WebKit browsers.
  • Fixed bug where anchor links could include other links. The selected range is now unlinked before adding news links to it.
  • Fixed memory leak when TinyMCE was used with prototype. Patch contributed by James Ots.
  • Fixed so the non documented fullpage_hide_in_source_view option for the fullpage plugin works again in the 3.x branch.
  • Fixed so tables doesn't get inserted into paragraphs by default since it's not W3C valid. Can be disabled by using the fix_table_elements option.
  • Fixed so the source view dialog sets a source_view state to the event object. Enables plugins to intercept the source view mode.
  • Fixed various validation issues with the html dialogs and pages.
  • Removed ask mode option since there is way better ways of doing this now. Use the add/remove control methods instead.
  • Removed logic for compatibility with Safari 2.x, this browser is no longer supported since no one is using it.
  • Removed the auto domain relaxing feature. If loading scripts cross sub domains it's better to specify the document.domain by hand.

What is new in version

  • Added new theme_advanced_default_background_color/theme_advanced_default_foreground_color options. Patch contributed by David Bildstrom (ChronoZ).
  • Fixed font style formatting compatibility issue with Adobe Air.
  • Fixed so legacy font elements get converted into spans even if cleanup_on_startup isn't enabled.
  • Fixed bug where pre elements could be incorrectly modified by an IE bug workaround. Patch contributed by hu vime.
  • Fixed bug where input elements inside inlinepopups wasn't editable in Firefox 2.
  • Fixed bug where the xhtmlxtras plugin wasn't replacing attribute values correctly.
  • Fixed bug where menu buttons in skin variants would look strange due to IE 8 fixes.
  • Fixed bug where WebKit browsers would on backspace take you back to the previous page if the editor was empty.
  • Fixed bug where DOMUtils decode method wouldn't handle strings larger than 4096kb due to node chunking.
  • Fixed bug where meta key wasn't handled as ctrl key on Mac OS X for custom keyboard short cuts.
  • Fixed bug where init event would get fired twice on WebKit on Mac OS X.


  • JavaScript enabled on client side

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