Rincian Software:
Versi: 0.7.7 / 1.0.0-beta.2 Diperbarui
Tanggal Upload: 10 Dec 15
Lisensi: Gratis
Popularitas: 441
Leaflet can be used for creating tile-based interactive maps for both desktop and mobile web browsers.
The library is written OOP-based code, so it is easy to understand and easy to extend to fit any need.
What is new in this release:
- Fixed a bug that caused wrong tile layers stacking order when using opacity < 1.
- Fixed a regression that caused tiles selection when double-clicking absolutely positioned maps with vector layers in it in Firefox.
- Fixed a regression with a wrong cursor when dragging a map with vector layers, and tiles becoming selected on double click.
What is new in version 0.7.3 / 1.0.0-beta.1:
- Fixed a bug that caused wrong tile layers stacking order when using opacity < 1.
- Fixed a regression that caused tiles selection when double-clicking absolutely positioned maps with vector layers in it in Firefox.
- Fixed a regression with a wrong cursor when dragging a map with vector layers, and tiles becoming selected on double click.
What is new in version 0.7.3:
- Fixed a bug that caused wrong tile layers stacking order when using opacity < 1.
- Fixed a regression that caused tiles selection when double-clicking absolutely positioned maps with vector layers in it in Firefox.
- Fixed a regression with a wrong cursor when dragging a map with vector layers, and tiles becoming selected on double click.
What is new in version 0.4.5:
- Fixed a bug with **wonky zoom animation in IE10.
- Fixed a bug with **wonky zoom animation in Chrome 23+.
What is new in version v0.4.4:
- Improvements:
- Improved GeoJSON setStyle to also accept function (like the corresponding option).
- Added GeoJSON resetStyle(layer), useful for resetting hover state.
- Added feature property to layers created with GeoJSON (containing the GeoJSON feature data).
- Added FeatureGroup bringToFront and bringToBack methods (so that they would work for multipolys).
- Added optional animate argument to Map invalidateSize.
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where tiles sometimes disappeared on initial map load on Android 2/3.
- Fixed a bug where map would occasionally flicker near the border on zoom or pan on Chrome.
- Fixed a bug where Path bringToFront and bringToBack didn't return this.
What is new in version v0.4.1:
- Fixed a bug that caused marker shadows appear as opaque black in IE6-8.
- Fixed a bug with incorrect calculation of scale by the scale control.
- Fixed broken L.tileLayer.wms class factory.
- Improved retina detection for TileLayer detectRetina option.
What is new in version v0.4:
- Improvements:
- Added setPosition and getPosition to all controls, as well as ability to pass certain position as an option when creating a control.
- Replaced ugly control position constants (e.g. L.Control.Position.TOP_LEFT) with light strings ('topleft', 'bottomright', etc.)
- Made controls implementation easier (now more magic happens under the hood).
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where TileLayer.WMS wouldn't take insertAtTheBottom option into account.
What is new in version v0.3:
- Major features:
- Added Canvas backend for vector layers (polylines, polygons, circles). This enables vector support on Android < 3, and it can also be optionally preferred over SVG for a performance gain in some cases.
- Added layers control (Control.Layers) for convenient layer switching.
- Improvements:
- Limited maximum zoom change on a single mouse wheel movement (so you won't zoom across the whole zoom range in one scroll).
- Improved circles performance by not drawing them if they're off the clip region.
What is new in version v0.2.1:
- Fixed regression that caused error in TileLayer.Canvas.
What is new in version v0.2:
- Added WMS support (L.TileLayer.WMS), currently EPSG:3857 only.
- L.Circle is now zoom-dependent (with radius in meters); circle of a permanent size is now called L.CircleMarker.
- Disabled zoom animation on Android by default because it's buggy on some devices (will be enabled back when it's stable enough). #32
- Added mouseover and mouseout events to map, markers and paths; added map mousemove event.
- Added setLatLng method to L.Marker.
- Added maxZoom argument to map.locateAndSetView method.
- Improved geolocation error handling: better error messages, explicit timeout, set world view on locateAndSetView failure. #61
- Fixed a bug where paths would not appear in IE8.
- Fixed a bug where zooming is broken if the map contains a polygon and you zoom to an area where it's not visible. #47
- Fixed a bug where closed polylines would not appear on the map.
- Fixed incorrect zoom animation & popup styling in Opera 11.11.
- Fixed a bug where double click zoom wouldn't work if popup is opened on map click
- Fixed a bug where map isn't displayed in Firefox when there's an img { max-width: 100% } rule.
- Fixed inability to remove ImageOverlay layer.
- JavaScript enabled on client side
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