Rental Property Tracker Plus

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Rental Property Tracker Plus
Rincian Software:
Versi: Diperbarui
Tanggal Upload: 3 Dec 15
Lisensi: Shareware
Harga: 149.00 $
Popularitas: 71
Ukuran: 8830 Kb

Rating: 3.0/5 (Total Votes: 4)

Rental Property Tracker Plus is easy-to-use, residential rental property management software with which you can: keep track of all your rental units, tenants, rental income and expenses. Organize all your property rental manager activities, tasks, contacts, and even appointments with this productivity software suite. Accepts government subsidies (Section 8 certificate and voucher programs for example) as partial rent payments. Assign multiple tenants to any unit. The number of units and tenants is only limited by memory and CPU speed. Send form letters to any or all contacts, tenants or owners. Prepare property manager accounting reports for printing or exporting to a spreadsheet quickly and accurately. Easily generate income tax information with this rental tracking software. Receipts, Statements, Notices and Reports can be translated into any language.

What is new in this release:

  • Fixed Import problem in Expense Tracker regarding Tax Deductible setting.
  • Create Statement on Rental Income Tracker records with a Subsidy deducts the subsidy from the Balance Due if no payments have been made.
  • Fixed Sort order problems in Rental Income Tracker Report options.
  • Other minor improvements.

What is new in version 1.12.9:

  • Rental Income Tracker reports only collect Deposit info when getting data from Tenant Tracker and if a date range is selected only those that have a Dep Paid date in the Deposit Details section will be included in the report.
  • Improvements to the Property Management Invoice
  • Improvements to the Rent Roll
  • Other minor improvements.

What is new in version

  • Expense Reports now show "Depreciate" and "Not Deductible" properly if the "Tax Deductible Only" option is deselected.
  • Rental Income Report for specific dates fixed (for data from RIT records with more than one payment.)
  • Generating a Rent Roll from Tenant Tracker for No Payments Yet has been fixed.
  • Rent Rolls for All Balances Due that include tenants who have made payments in the current month but have balances due are marked Payment Made.
  • If there is a Default Moved In Date specified and a Tenant has Payments that start before that date, then the first payment Due Date will be now be used for the Starting Date.
  • Other minor improvements.

What is new in version

  • Improvement to Property Management Invoice totals in Expense Reports.
  • Improvements to Modifying Unit and Building names
  • Improvements to Tenant Tracker when Posting Rents for New Tenants.
  • Other minor improvements.

What is new in version

- Improvements in Tenant Tracker and Rental Income Tracker for new Tenants with large Balances Due or Balances on Account.
- Improvements to Payment History Report and Balance Due field in Tenant Tracker
- When the Lease Exp Date is updated in Tenant Tracker, the new date is now displayed properly in Unit Tracker.
- Minor improvement to Expense Tracker's Property Management Invoice totals
- Improvements to Rental Income Tracker Report subtotals
- The Add Repair Notes to the Work Order feature is now working again in Work Order Tracker
- Improvement to the Other Income Tracker Report
- Improvements to Account Register
- Other minor improvements.

What is new in version

* Fixed a problem with Rental Income Tracker Report totals

* In Rental Income Tracker if there is a credit equal to the rent (ie, a Subsidy), and no Payments have been made yet, you can now create a Receipt or Statement.

* Fixed a problem with a Subsidy not being added properly to the Tenant Tracker Payments field.

* Updated Exchange Rates in the Universal Calculator's Currency Money Exchange section.

* Other minor improvements.

What is new in version

* Fixed a problem with Balance Due calculations in Tenant Tracker
* Fixed a few problems with creating Receipts and Statements in Rental Income Tracker
* Other minor improvements.

What is new in version

* Version includes updates, enhancements, and bug fixes.

* The Tax Info tab has been changed to an Owner/Manager tab and contains both the Owner and Manager fields.

* Improvements to the Payment History Report.

* In Tenant Tracker when Post New Rent is clicked and there is a partial payment already entered for the current month, you are asked if you want to add a partial payment. If you answer Add a Partial Payment, the Payment Date on that record is changed to the current date and a Late Charge is added to the Charges field. If a Late Charge was already listed in the Charges field on that record you will be asked for a new Late Charge amount.

* If there is a Balance on Account you will be asked if you want to apply a Credit Adjustment, in the amount of the current month's rent, to the Balance.

* If the Moved In Date does not match the first Payment's Due Date in the Payments field, the Moved In Date will be automatically corrected when you click the Moved In Date field.

* If you are creating the first record for a New Tenant in Rental Income Tracker, rather than the Deposit(s) being automatically added to the Charges field, they are now added to the Notes field, and two new buttons appear next to the Create Receipt button. One is Add, which adds the Deposit(s) to the Charges field, so they can be paid, along with the Rent, in one payment. If the Deposit(s) are being paid with a separate payment, then you should click Paid, which creates a separate receipt for the Deposit payment and marks the Deposit(s) paid on the Tenant Tracker record. Once you leave the record, these buttons are hidden.

* If you add a Batch # to a Rental Income Tracker record with a Deposit, when you run a Batch report, the payment for the Deposit(s) will be included.

* Other improvements to Rental Income Report

* Fixed a problem creating a Rental Income Tracker Receipt when there is a Balance On Acount larger than the amount due.

* If the Automatically Duplicate This Expense Each Month option is enabled on an Expense Tracker record (click ADE to access this option) the ADE button will now read "ADE +" so it is easy to tell if this option is enabled or not.

* Fixed a problem with the Add New Expenses Now feature (in the ADE section of Expense Tracker) with adding records with the same Payee but for different Accounts. * Other minor improvements.


Requires Registration after longer of 10 days or 10 uses.

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