Rincian Software:
Versi: 2004-04-01
Tanggal Upload: 27 Oct 15
Lisensi: Gratis
Popularitas: 29
Ukuran: 1019 Kb
Paket ini mendukung model sopir berikut:
- Intel (R) 82845G / GL / GE / PE / GV / E Processor untuk I / O Controller - 2560
- Intel (R) 82845G / GL / GE / PE / GV / E Processor untuk AGP Controller - 2561
- Intel (R) 82865G / PE / P / GV / 82848P Processor untuk I / O Controller - 2570
- Intel (R) 82865G / PE / P / GV / 82848P Processor untuk AGP Controller - 2571
- Intel (R) 82865G / PE / P / GV / 82848P Processor untuk PCI untuk CSA jembatan - 2573
- Intel (R) 82865G / PE / P / GV / 82848P Processor untuk I / O Memory Interface - 2576
- Intel (R) 82875P / E7210 Memory Controller Hub - 2578
- Intel (R) 82875P Processor untuk AGP Controller - 2579
- Intel (R) 82875P / E7210 Processor untuk PCI jembatan CSA - 257B
- Intel (R) 82875P / E7210 Processor untuk I / O Memory Interface - 257E
- Intel (R) 915G / P / GV Processor untuk I / O Controller - 2580
- Intel (R) 915G / P / GV PCI Express Akar Pelabuhan - 2581
- Intel (R) 925X Memory Controller Hub - 2584
- Intel (R) 925X PCI Express Akar Pelabuhan - 2585
- Intel (R) 82801DB LPC Interface Controller - 24C0
- Intel (R) 82801DBM LPC Interface Controller - 24CC
- Intel (R) 82801DB / DBM SMBus Controller - 24C3
- Intel (R) 82801DB PCI Bridge - 244E
- Intel (R) 82801DBM PCI Bridge - 2448
- Intel (R) 82801EB LPC Interface Controller - 24D0
- Intel (R) 82801EB LPC Interface Controller - 24DC
- Intel (R) 82801EB SMBus Controller - 24D3
- Intel (R) 82801 PCI Bridge - 244E
- Intel (R) 6300ESB LPC Interface Controller - 25A1
- Intel (R) 6300ESB SMBus Controller - 25A4
- Intel (R) 6300ESB Watchdog Timer - 25AB
- Intel (R) 6300ESB 64-bit PCI-X Bridge - 25AE
- Intel (R) 6300ESB I / O Lanjutan Programmable Interrupt Controller - 25AC
- Intel (R) 82801EB Ultra Controller Storage ATA
- Intel (R) 6300ESB Ultra ATA Storage Controller - 25A2
- Intel (R) 6300ESB Ultra ATA Storage / SATA Controller - 25A3
- Intel (R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D2
- Intel (R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D4
- Intel (R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D7
- Intel (R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24DE
- Intel (R) 82801EB USB2 Ditingkatkan Host Controller - 24DD
- Intel (R) 6300ESB USB Host Universal Controller - 25A9
- Intel (R) 6300ESB USB Universal Host Controller - 25AA
- Intel (R) 6300ESB USB2 Ditingkatkan Host Controller - 25AD
- High Precision acara Timer
- Intel (R) 82801FB LPC Interface Controller - 2640
- Intel (R) 82801FBM LPC Interface Controller - 2641
- Intel (R) 82801FB LPC Interface Controller - 2642
- Intel (R) 82801FB / FBM SMBus Controller - 266A
- Intel (R) 82801 PCI Bridge - 2448
- Intel (R) 82801FB / FBM PCI Express Akar Pelabuhan - 2660
- Intel (R) 82801FB / FBM PCI Express Akar Pelabuhan - 2662
- Intel (R) 82801FB / FBM PCI Express Akar Pelabuhan - 2664
- Intel (R) 82801FB / FBM PCI Express Akar Pelabuhan - 2666
- Intel (R) 82801FB Ultra Controller Storage ATA - 2651
- Intel (R) 82801FB Ultra Controller Storage ATA - 2652
- Intel (R) 82801FB / FBM Ultra Controller Storage ATA - 266F
- Intel (R) 82801FB / FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2658
- Intel (R) 82801FB / FBM USB Universal Host Controller - 2659
- Intel (R) 82801FB / FBM USB Host Universal Controller - 265A
- Intel (R) 82801FB / FBM USB Host Universal Controller - 265B
- Intel (R) 82801FB / FBM USB2 Ditingkatkan Host Controller - 265C
- NVIDIA nForce 220/230 Memory Controller (DDR)
- NVIDIA nForce 415/420/430 Memory Controller (DDR)
- NVIDIA nForce 220/230/415/420/430 Memory Controller
- NVIDIA nForce2 Memory Controller
- NVIDIA nForce2 400 Memory Controller
- NVIDIA nForce2 Ultra 400 Memory Controller
- NVIDIA nForce PCI Sistem Manajemen
- SiS Accelerated Graphics Port
- VIA CPU untuk AGP Pengendali
- VIA CPU untuk AGP kontroler
- VIA CPU untuk AGP2.0 / AGP3.0 Pengendali
- VIA Standard CPU ke PCI Bridge
- VIA Standard PCI ke ISA Bridge
- VIA PCI ke PCI Bridge Pengendali
- VIA I / O APIC Interrupt controller
- NVIDIA nForce AGP Host to PCI Bridge
- NVIDIA nForce2 AGP Host to PCI Bridge
- NVIDIA nForce3 AGP Host to PCI Bridge
- NVIDIA nForce3 250 AGP Host to PCI Bridge
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