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Rincian Software:
Versi: 0.5.6 Diperbarui
Tanggal Upload: 10 Dec 15
Pengembang: Oliver Cope
Lisensi: Gratis
Popularitas: 37

Rating: 3.0/5 (Total Votes: 2)

Fresco is for Python developers that want a lighter framework that lets them use their own templating and database interaction libraries.

Fresco can also accommodate Pesto users, having a similar structure and development infrastructure.

What is new in this release:

  • Cache route lookups that result in RouteNotFound exceptions. This provides a significant speedup for applications composed of multiple RouteCollections.

What is new in version 0.5.1:

  • The signature of ResponseException has changed.
  • fresco.decorators.json_response may now be called without arguments.
  • A new Response.json method has been added to facilitate creating JSON encoded responses without the use of a decorator.
  • fresco.routeargs.JSONPayload has been added.
  • Application logging has been made more helpful.

What is new in version 0.4.1:

  • Request.cookies now maps names to values (not cookie objects), simplifying cookie handling and bringing us in line with how most other frameworks treat cookies. This change breaks backwards compatibility.
  • The maxage and HTTP_only arguments to Cookie.__init__ and Response.add_cookie have been renamed to max_age and httponly respectively, reflecting the spelling used in the Set-Cookie header (‘Max-Age' and ‘HttpOnly'). This change breaks backwards compatibility.
  • Changed FrescoApp's constructor to have the same signature as RouteCollection. You can get the old behavior by using the views and path keyword arguments. This change breaks backwards compatibility.
  • Removed blinker dependency and associated signals. These were never documented and the application hooks added in this version provide a more flexible replacement. This change breaks backwards compatibility.
  • Removed the deprecated URL method added to view functions This change breaks backwards compatibility.

What is new in version 0.3.14:

  • Added request.body and request.body_bytes properties.
  • Added a request.get_json method to access JSON request payloads.
  • Added RouteCollection.remove and RouteCollection.replace methods, making it easier to extend and modify RouteCollections.
  • Deprecated view_function.url().

What is new in version 0.3.10:

  • Invalid character data in the request body no longer causes an exception.

What is new in version 0.3.9:

  • Added fresco.decorators.json_response
  • Added support for python 3.4 and dropped support for Python 3.2

What is new in version 0.3.7:

  • Bugfix for RouteArg when using a default value.
  • Bugfix for urlfor when using positional arguments.
  • Added decorate method for Route objects.
  • Added fresco.routing.register_converter class decorator for simpler registration of routing pattern converters.
  • Added fresco.util.common.object_or_404.
  • Bugfix: fresco.util.urls.make_query no longer sorts key value pairs into alphabetical order, but preserves the original ordering.

What is new in version 0.3.5:

  • FrescoApp.requestcontext() now invokes all registered middleware. This can be useful for testing views that rely on middleware to set environ keys or provide other services.

What is new in version 0.3.4:

  • Route arguments can take default arguments for URL generation.
  • Added tox for testing: fresco is now tested and works with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2 and 3.3.

What is new in version 0.3.3:

  • Bugfix:
  • Request.make_url was double quoting URLs in some circumstances.

What is new in version 0.3.2:

  • Improved handling for ResponseExceptions raised during route traversal.

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