Dante Editor, even if not the first clone of the Medium WYSIWYG editor, is actually the first that provides all of the originals formatting controls.
This means you can actually embed media files inside your page with Dante, not just edit text like most of the other clones let you do.
Dante supports all of the original controls, both for content editing and editor control & display features:
- bold text
- italic text
- underline text
- strike-through text
- superscript text
- subscript text
- blockquote text
- add link
- unlink text
- unordered lists
- ordered lists
- add code block
- add horizontal rule
- add location
- add iframe
- add video
- add image
- text alignment
- indent text
- outdent text
- undo previous action
- fullscreen mode
- pin
- fit
A demo and a Ruby GEM file are included with the Dante Editor download package.
- JavaScript enabled on client side
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