Rincian Software:
Versi: 1.2 Diperbarui
Tanggal Upload: 10 Dec 15
Lisensi: Gratis
Popularitas: 137
Apache Commons CSV was developed to provide a better way of making sense of CSV (Comma Separated Values) when working with the Java programming language.
Supported CSV formats:
RFC 4180
MS Excel
Besides these, new custom formats can also be created and supported.
What is new in this release:
- Added CSVFormat#with 0-arg methods matching boolean arg methods.
- Saved positions of records to enable random access.
- CSVPrinter.printRecord(ResultSet) with metadata.
What is new in version 1.1:
- Added CSVFormat#with 0-arg methods matching boolean arg methods.
- Saved positions of records to enable random access.
- CSVPrinter.printRecord(ResultSet) with metadata.
What is new in version 1.0:
- IllegalArgumentException thrown when the header contains duplicate names when the column names are empty.
- CSVFormat#withHeader doesn't work with CSVPrinter.
- CSVFormat is missing a print(...) method.
- Added Map conversion API to CSVRecord.
- Keep track of record number.
- Need a way to extract parsed headers, e.g. for use in formatting output.
- Header support.
- Predefined format for MYSQL.
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